Multicolor Ramsey Numbers for Double Stars
Speaker: JakeTitle: Multicolor Ramsey Numbers for Double Stars
Date: 10 Nov 2022 17:30-19:00 EST
Location: SEC Level 3 NW Terrace
Food: Mediterranean
The core idea of Ramsey theory is that complete disorder is impossible. Given a large structure, no matter how complex it is, we can always find a smaller substructure that has some sort of order. Despite active research for decades, very little is known about Ramsey numbers of graphs. This is especially true for when the number of colors is at least 3, also known as multicolor Ramsey numbers. In this talk, I will introduce Ramsey theory and discuss some classic results. I’ll present a simple proof from one of my papers where we determine the k-color Ramsey number for the double star graph S(n,m) when n is sufficiently large compared to m,k and k is odd.