Random Max-CSPs inherit Algorithmic Hardness from Mixed Spin Glasses
Speaker: JuspreetTitle: Random Max-CSPs inherit Algorithmic Hardness from Mixed Spin Glasses
Date: 15 Sep 2022 17:30-19:00 EST
Location: SEC Level 3 NW Terrace
Food: Thai
In this brief talk, we will give a story-like overview of a recent result (and some ongoing work) where we:
- [Result 1] Connect any random Max-CSP to a corresponding “Spin Glass”.
- [Result 2] Show that the support of the distribution of “overlaps” of solutions are the same for both objects. Correspondingly, all families of algorithms that are “stable under noise” are obstructed on typical instances of many Max-CSPs.
- [WIP] Obstruct a powerful family of algorithms called ‘low-degree polynomials’ on typical instances of many Max-CSPs using global hypercontractivity and martingales.
No familiarity with Spin Glasses or Max-CSPs is expected. We will define the model of CSPs, the relevant Spin Glasses, and the algorithms that are obstructed and state & interpret the results. Time permitting, I’ll give a high-level overview of the proof strategy for [Result 1].